Chronic Non Specific Lower Back Pain and Related Pathologies.
21st Century Healthcare. Educate. Learn. Thrive.
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Course One: Chronic Non Specific Lower Back Pain and Related Pathologies. This course is specifically designed to provide you with:
- general knowledge of the anatomy of the lumbar spine and core musculature.
- general knowledge of the lumbar spinal nerve pathways.
- general knowledge of pain science, including neuroscience.
- gain a thorough understanding of IVD pathologies.
- understand current treatment and management strategies.
- understand the role of regenerative medicine and future treatment approaches for disc related pathologies.
You will learn motor control retraining, core stabilization, strength training and mobility exercise strategies to relieve lower back pain symptoms, improve your functional outcomes, and prevent future recurrences.
Understand, learning via effective dissemination of scientific evidence based medicine/practice should be communicated in terms you, the recipient, can understand, in small digestible pieces, at a rate at which it can be assimilated. Information overload may have two effects - reduction in comprehension and increasing the emotional distance between educator and recipient. Communication of scientific evidence, specific theories, practice guidelines, should foster understanding, not simply provide answers. Learn at your own pace, enrol with friends colleagues and family to learn as a group and Ask Questions.
All course information provided is based on scientific evidence based medicine/practice guidelines. It is to be incorporated as educational tools, not to replace your current medical care, directed by your physician, specialist, and/or physical therapy team.
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Your Instructor
I am an Australian trained Physical Therapist, Exercise Scientist, Elite Personal Trainer, clinical pilates instructor, WBFF athlete. I work with clients in clinical gym based settings and through online consultations (phone or video). Now, as an expert global educator, I aspire to be an inspiration for others - to be the best you can be! I specialize in regenerative rehabilitation, working from the "inside-out", applying the scientific principles of cellular signaling, creating specifically designed, scientific evidence based practice protocols/exercise prescription. I'll help you recover from injuries feeling stronger mentally and physically, with the ability to move pain-free. Through my NEW global patient centered healthcare success online education course modules, you will gain valuable knowledge relating to your specific condition(s) to aid in your journey towards optimal health!
I apply the Four Principles of 21st Century Learning:
1. Collaboration
2. Communication
3. Critical Thinking
4. Creativity
You will have a more thorough understanding of the what? why? how?, of your specific injury/pathology, which will improve your clinical outcomes. Be Accountable. Take Action.
Knowledge Is Power!
Course Curriculum
PreviewI. Basic Anatomy of the lumbar spine & core musculature (background information)
PreviewII. Neuroanatomy
PreviewIII. Phases of Healing
PreviewIV. Mechanobiology/Mechanotransduction/Mechanotherapy
StartV. Mechanobiology/Mechanotransduction/Mechanotherapy: Terminology
StartVI. Pathological Degeneration
StartVII. Pain Models, Theories and Mechanisms
StartVIII. Chronic Non Specific Lower Back Pain - Background Knowledge
StartIX. Pain Science, "Smudging in the Brain" & Somatosensory Reorganization
StartX. Pain Science, "Smudging in the Brain": Neuroscience Part II
StartXI. Pain Science: Terminology
StartXII. Injury Management: Acute, Subacute, Chronic
StartXIII. Regenerative Medicine: A Way Forward
StartXIV. Functional Training & the Roles of Core, Spinal & Pelvic Stability